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More exploding things

I don't think I've posted this one yet, but it follows along the same lines of not putting your beer in the freezer.

That makes things explode because they are too cold.

Hot cars in Florida can have the opposite temperature extreme with the same effect.

A photo of the cup holders in a car with two cans in them. One of coke and one of Diet Barq's. The Barq's can has exploded ripping the top almost completely off.

Don't leave unopened cans in the car.

I grabbed a Barq's at the store one day and didn't realize it was diet till I was well on my way. I figured I'd just toss it in the fridge at work and someone would drink it. Only, I didn't take it out of my car.

There was surprisingly little liquid, in the can (or on the floor or the roof) after the explosion.

I think a lot of it must have evaporated almost instantly when it exploded. Wish I had had video in the car.

It's almost worth trying that, but I'm afraid it would cook the camera before the beverage.