Note: This site is currently "Under construction". I'm migrating to a new version of my site building software. Lots of things are in a state of disrepair as a result (for example, footnote links aren't working). It's all part of the process of building in public. Most things should still be readable though.

Dot Matrix Sky Writing

A few weeks ago I was driving when I noticed what I think can best be described as Dot Matrix Sky Writing. There were 5 jets cruising along puffing smoke in a coordinated effort to spell out "Geico" across the sky over and over again. The results was pretty neat:

Alt: The word GEICO spelled out with puffs of smoke against a blue sky

I'm not sure if you can make out the jets in this image or not, but they are at the right side finishing up the "O". There was a sixth jet that was trailing behind that who wasn't adding anything to the smoke. I guess he was helping to keep everything in line.