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Canon - Firing an AR-15

When I went to Tuscaloosa back in October for the wonderful Bama v Tennessee game I had the opportunity to shoot an AR-15. Here's a photo a buddy took of me with it.

A photo of me shooting and AR-15. The photo is taking from a side angle slightly behind me. I'm wearing ear protection and a hat which mostly covers my face as I'm aiming down the sight. The background is a bit of field and a stand of trees in the short distance.

This is basically the same thing that our Army uses. It's a little bewildering to fire it. Like all firearms, it's a controlled explosion that's taking place in your hands. You see it all the time on TV and in the movies, but actually firing one is an entirely different experience.

One of the most shocking things to me was how loud the gun actually is. Even as loud as they make gunfire, hollywood doesn't even come close to representing the volume. I would imagine that after a soldier goes through a battle with one of these that their ears ring for days unless they had a chance to put in ear plugs.

Though, I doubt that when shooting starts, anyone who isn't already wearing ear plugs would take the time to stop and put them in.

  • Link up the Bama v TN game