Note: This site is currently "Under construction". I'm migrating to a new version of my site building software. Lots of things are in a state of disrepair as a result (for example, footnote links aren't working). It's all part of the process of building in public. Most things should still be readable though.


I saw Dilert a few times when I was in College. I didn't find it funny at all. I now work in a fairly corporate environment and find it funny way more often than not.

This is one from the other day that I really enjoyed.

A Dilbert comic where an employee has been fired and is telling the boss not to worry about losing their secret and exclusive knowledge. Saying if the framistan starts to gabol, just purge the cache within sixty seconds and the servers won't explode.

Since I'm the tech guy and the majority of what I work on is Greek to the rest of the staff, I figured it would be a good one to print out and stick on my door.

It's probably obvious, but I should point out that "Framistan" and "Gabol" are made up terms. This also reminds me of some people that I've worked with before that pretended to know a lot more about technology than they actually did.

I would occasionally make up fake technology terms or abbreviations, combine them with real terms and ask things like, "You know how Rapid-Q2 XML delivery works, right?"

The answer would invariably be "Of Course!" with a bit of that tone that implies insult by asking such a silly question. Neat trick since 'Rapid-Q2' isn't actually a thing.