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The Creative Process

One blog I enjoy is called Get Rich Slowly. It's one of the ones I use to feed my brain on personal finance content. One entry included this clip featuring the host of This American Life talking about getting over the start of a learning curve.

Get Rich Slowly sees this though the filter of personal finance and touches on the fact that this actually translates into basically any skill. I couldn't agree more. I was super lucky to have the good fortune of mentors who helped me understand that in order to be good at something, you have to go though the time when you suck. As much as possible, don't let that time when you suck get you down. Recognize that time for what it is, the practice that is required to improve.

I'm guessing this applies to most things, but certainly, if you are in a creative field, remind yourself that as long as you are trying to improve, you're going to go through gap times and that's just part of gig.
