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Farewell Galactica

While I'm sad that Battlestar Galactica is over, I'm happy with the way it ended.

Going into the last few episodes, I would wait longer and longer to actually watch each one after the broadcast. I think there were two reasons for this: 1) I didn't want one of my favorite shows to be over and, 2) I was afraid I wouldn't like the way it ended. All in all, my fears about how they would handle the final chapter was unfounded. Some parts didn't get quite as much focus as I would have expected, but overall, it worked for me.

I'm not one to do a lot of extra research on a show, but I wanted a little more on this one and came across this interview with the producers that answered a few more questions about the show. I'm glad I read that. Makes me even happier with the show.

Here's to resolution, redemption and clean slates.