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Today I Learned Mapping te to tabedit in Vim

Vim's `:tabedit` command seems long considering how often it's used. Applying logic from this StackOverflow answer produces this customization:


cnoreabbrev <expr> te getcmdtype() == ":" && getcmdline() == 'te' ? 'tabedit' : 'te'

It defines a `:te` shortcut which expands to `:tabedit`. Throw it in `~/.vimrc` and save five characters for every tab open.

_It's worth pointing out that this accepted StackOverflow answer. For example, `ca te tabedit`. The gotcha hidden in this approach is that it expands across the command. Trying to run `:!ls /tmp/te/` will be altered to `:!ls /tmp/tabedit/`. Not so good._

_And, yes, I added an answer to help out there too._