Note: This site is currently "Under construction". I'm migrating to a new version of my site building software. Lots of things are in a state of disrepair as a result (for example, footnote links aren't working). It's all part of the process of building in public. Most things should still be readable though.

A Flexible Responsive Image Solution for Hugo

Heads Up

The formatting in the examples for this page got messed up during a site migration.

While moving my site, I wanted to come up with a better way to handle images. My goal was to design a setup where the images look good on desktops, tablets, and phones. Something that's known as "Responsive Images" in the web industry. The software I moved to doesn't do it out of the box, but with some research, I was able to hack together a solution.

My goals were:

  • Store all my images in a single directory

  • Store the images at their full size

  • Setup so devices don't download images larger than they need in order to make pages load faster

  • Automatically resize the image files for different devices to they don't download files that are larger than they need

  • Setup so that smaller images are rendered as big as they can be without up-sizing them.

  • Prevent images larger than the necessary size from being generated or made available

The code I came up with is:


{numberLines: true}

{{ $img_src := .Get "src" }}
{{ $alt_text := .Get "alt"}}
{{ $caption_text := .Get "caption" }}

{{ with .Site.GetPage "/01-images" }}
  {{ $src := .Resources.GetMatch $img_src }}

  {{ $raw_image_width := $src.Width }}

  {{ $.Scratch.Set "figure_max_width" $raw_image_width }}
  {{ if ge ($.Scratch.Get "figure_max_width") 680 }}
    {{ $.Scratch.Set "figure_max_width" 680 }}
  {{ end }}

  {{ $raw_resize_string := (printf "%d%s" $raw_image_width "x")  }}

  {{ $original_size := $src.Resize $raw_resize_string }}

  {{ $image_sizes := slice 680 1000 1400 1800 2648 }}

  <div class="image_wrapper">
    <figure style='max-width: {{ $.Scratch.Get "figure_max_width" }}px;'>

        <img srcset='
          {{ $original_size.RelPermalink }} {{ $raw_image_width }}w
          {{ range $image_sizes }}
            {{ if ge $raw_image_width . }}
              {{ $resized_image := $src.Resize (printf "%d%s" . "x") }}
              {{ $resized_image.RelPermalink }} {{ (printf "%d%s" . "w") }}
            {{ end}}
          {{ end }}

      {{ if $caption_text}}
          {{ $caption_text }}
      {{ end }}

{{ end }}


-- image
-- /APC_0192

caption: This is a 1x image

<</APC_0322.jpg" caption="Small image test|img|caption: small image test>>

<</APC_0119.jpg" caption="Small image test|img|caption: small image test>>

<</APC_0078-test.jpg" caption="These are not the apples you're looking for|img|caption: Storm Trooper protecting fruit>>




  • Need the style sheet setup (your using Tale with some modifications, but this should work)

  • First create a folder and associated index file to house all the images (e.g. "content/01-images/" )

  • Store any images inside the folder (e.g. "content/01-images/cat-photo.jpg")

  • Call it with:


_NOTE: This is a related post that needs to be combined in here link_

Other links to examine:





