Note: This site is currently "Under construction". I'm migrating to a new version of my site building software. Lots of things are in a state of disrepair as a result (for example, footnote links aren't working). It's all part of the process of building in public. Most things should still be readable though.

Switching To Macs Keychain App for Storing Credentials - LiveCoding


### Today I Learned

Type `-i` before `/` in man pages to do a case insensitive search.

### Timestamps

- __[Start: 00:00:00]__ - Use Mac Keychain Access to Store Credentials For Python (or whatever)

- __[Time: 1:32:00]__ - Automatically closing duplicate safari browser tabs

Thanks to vectorhacker for stopping by.

### Links From The Stream

- 1x Engineer - Add JavaScript scripts to a workflow in Automator on Mac - Apple Support - Amazon Cognito - Simple and Secure User Sign Up & Sign In - Apple Mac Upgrades - RAM, SSD Flash, External Drives and More - AppleScript Finder window count in Mojave - macOS / AppleScript - Automators Talk - Array - JavaScript - Automate Script Editor tasks in Script Editor on Mac - Apple Support - Case insensitive search in man pages - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange - Case insensitive search in man pages - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange - Command line access to the Mac keychain - Example Domain - Fix MacBook Pro Random Shutdown - One Click Solution - How do I create a list of records in applescript - Stack Overflow - How do you start an application in Javascript via osascript? - Stack Overflow - How to call an external command? - Stack Overflow - How to get the current username in Python - How to log to message window in Script Editor using JavaScript for Automation - Stack Overflow - Is there a portable way to get the current username in Python? - Stack Overflow - Issues · nodejs/help - Kristian Köhntopp (@isotopp) / Twitter - Loops and iteration - JavaScript - Mac Automation Scripting Guide: Displaying Progress - Mac Automation Scripting Guide: Manipulating Lists of Items - macOS Big Sur - Wikipedia - MacScripter / Hash table: A good alternative for records - Node.js at PayPal - Setting Window Sizes Precisely With a Script - The Problem with Software: Why Smart Engineers Write Bad Code (The MIT Press): Barr, Adam: 9780262038515: Books - What Is AWS Secrets Manager? - AWS Secrets Manager - why doesn't 'do javascript' call in Applescript execute when the same code typed into browser does? - Stack Overflow