Note: This site is currently "Under construction". I'm migrating to a new version of my site building software. Lots of things are in a state of disrepair as a result (for example, footnote links aren't working). It's all part of the process of building in public. Most things should still be readable though.

Making Progress on Video Assembler V4 - Stream Notes for November 7 2020 LiveCoding


### Notes

Working on my Automatic NASA Video Assembler and general messing around.

### Links From The Stream

- Alteryx - 2020 Presidential Election Results: Joe Biden Wins - The New York Times - Can I have an animated GIF with more than 256 colours per frame? - Webmasters... - Easy 6502 by skilldrick - Federalist Nos. 51-60 - Federalist Papers: Primary Documents in American... - Full Text of The Federalist Papers - Federalist Papers: Primary Documents in... - GitHub: ffmpeg-python - Python bindings for FFmpeg - with complex filtering... - Google Search: alteryx - Google Search: alteryx example - Google Search: amendments to the constitution - Google Search: biden speech - Google Search: code the hidden languate of computers - Google Search: constitutional ammendments - Google Search: discrete math - Google Search: election results - Google Search: flow based programming - Google Search: flow based programming - Google Search: fpga - Google Search: gif color pallet - Google Search: google certification - Google Search: jetbrains mps - Google Search: k&r c book - Google Search: nand gate - Google Search: pandas csv - Google Search: python ffmpeg - Google Search: shp format - Google Search: state transition diagram - Google Search: top song 1995 - Google Search: vhdl - MPS: The Domain-Specific Language Creator by JetBrains - pandas.read_csv — pandas 1.1.4 documentation - Professional Certificate Training Programs - Grow with Google - State-Transition Diagrams - The Constitution - Wikipedia: Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 1995 - Wikipedia: Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software - Wikipedia: Discrete mathematics - Wikipedia: Discrete mathematics - Wikipedia: Field-programmable gate array - Wikipedia: Flow-based programming - Wikipedia: NAND gate - Wikipedia: Shapefile - Wikipedia: The C Programming Language - Wikipedia: VHDL - YouTube: From Workflow Development to Visualization with Alteryx and Tableau - YouTube: Intro to Discrete Math - Welcome to the Course! - YouTube: Intro Video of JetBrains MPS - YouTube: What is Flow-based Programming?