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Use pyenv For Virtual Environments

NOTE: Not really using this since it requires setting up something in the shell that slows down the return of the command line each time

using the built in `venv` instead. from python3 that was installed by homebrew

OLD Notes:

Got notes from this article, it's basically how you did the setup.

Script to create new project they have is:

mkdir $2 && cd $2 && pyenv local $1 && pyenv virtualenv venv-$2 && pyenv local venv-$2 && pyenv activate venv-$2

Where you pass a python version and a name to create the directory and project, of course, that doesn't deal with git

The manual way to do it is

cd ~/git-repos git init --bare project_name cd ~/dev git clone ~/git-dev/project_name cd project_name # add .gitignore # add pyenv virtualenv 3.9.4 venv_project_name pyenv local venv_project_name

For PyCharm, just open the new directory, don't make a new project.

Note sure if you need that first local since you're setting it to the venv later.

Note, this is what's in the article, but I it look like you don't need the `pyenv local 3.9.0` or `pyenv activate venv_project_name` commands so you removed them above.

mkdir project_name cd project_name pyenv local 3.9.0 pyenv virtualenv 3.9.0 venv_project_name pyenv local venv_project_name pyenv activate venv_project_name

tagging this with `pyvenv` in case you accidentally search for that.