Note: This site is currently "Under construction". I'm migrating to a new version of my site building software. Lots of things are in a state of disrepair as a result (for example, footnote links aren't working). It's all part of the process of building in public. Most things should still be readable though.

Serve A Text File From The Next.js API

Create a file at:



This is the sample you can work from:


import fs from 'fs'

export default function handler(req, res) {
  const { file_key } = req.query

  // Note this hangs if the file isn't there.
  // not worred about it,
  // but something to keep in minde for future reference
  // make sure there is only one directly and one file
  const file_parts = file_key.split('/')
  if (file_parts.length === 2) {
    const file_path = `./pages/${file_key}`
    if (fs.existsSync(file_path)) {
      const file_data = fs.readFileSync(file_path, `utf-8`)
    } else {
  } else {