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Getting Individual Frames And Matching Thumbnails From A Video With ffmpeg

  • Look into this

    maybe you can do the select based off frames (thought something else made that seem like it would be slower since it's an output filter instead of an input filter. something to check)

This is how to generate the initial set of thumbnails (one per frame)


ffmpeg -i "input.mp4" -vf "scale=800:-2" -y "frames/%d.jpg"

Then you can access an individual frame based of the numbers with this (which is zero indexed subtract one to get the frame number your after:


export INPUT=Prince-Sexy-MF-bfHsF6FKgb4.mp4 && \
export FRAME=2952&& \
ffmpeg -i "$INPUT" -vf "select=eq(n\,$FRAME-1)" -vframes 1 -y "frame-$FRAME.png"

Generate a set of numbered thumbnails for each frame in a video then use those numbers to access that frame