Note: This site is currently "Under construction". I'm migrating to a new version of my site building software. Lots of things are in a state of disrepair as a result (for example, footnote links aren't working). It's all part of the process of building in public. Most things should still be readable though.

Make A New Prism Syntax Highlighting Langage Definition

This is what I did to make a starting point for the Neopolitan syntax highlighter for the example page.

the content below here isn't working prolerly in the praser


With contents like:


Prism.languages['some-language'] = {
  'token-name': {
    pattern: /regex/

Edit the `components.json`` file in the root of the projct to add your language like:


"some-language": {
  "title": "Some Language",
  "owner": "Your GitHub name"

If you're going to try to submit it, make sure it's sorted properly in the alphabetical section below the defaults

  • Build the project with

    `npm run build``

  • Start the server with

    `npm start``

  • Open the test page on your local machine

  • Figure your language and click on it. There won't be any highlights yet

  • Update the `components/prism-some-language.js`` file you created above using

    Note that you don't need to restart the server if all your doing is editing that file. Reloading the page in the browser is all that's necessary.

  • When you have the highlights the way you like them you can pull down a customize version of prism with them in it by going to your local copy of the download page and getting them from there:
