
My Grimoire


A Grimoire is a book of magic.

Mine is the most valuable tool I own. It's made from the collection of ten thousand notes I've assembled over the past twenty years. Stored knowledge from a generation's worth of time.

Sure, you could call it an second brain, a developer's notebook, or, simply, a notes app.

But, words matter.

I'd rather have a book of magic than any of those more mundane tools.

Invoking Code

Beyond holding my notes, my grimoire is alive. The notes are plain-text, but I can put snippets of runnable code inside them.

For example, if I drop this in a note:

-- code
-- rust

fn main() {
  println!("Hello, Grimoire");

I can hit a hotkey that runs the code and outputs this below the original source:

-- results/

Hello, Grimoire

-- /results

Casting Content

The notes in my grimoire can be about anything. A list of gift ideas, how to center text on a web page, or steps to reset the check-engine light on my car when they forget to do it at the oil change place. Anything I care to learn or remember is a candidate for inclusion.

But, it's not just for me. My grimoire is the foundation for all the content I produce. The pages and posts for my site are written in it. It's where I'm writing the post you're reading now.

When I want to send something out into the world, I simply update a little metadata section at the bottom of the note to set a "status" flag to "published". Something like this:

-- metadata
-- created: 2022-11-02T23:29:42-04:00
-- id: 2h1iv27a
-- type: post
-- status: published

The next time I run my site generator the new note gets picked up, turned into a web page, and delivered to the site. Because it's so low friction it's easy to do the "working-in-public" thing and constantly publish to my digital garden.

Starting The Magic

My grimoire didn't start out with so much power. In the beginning, it was nothing more than a plain-text notes app. It was like that for years. I'd go back to that in a heartbeat if I somehow lost the ability to run code or publish directly from it. Those features are great to have, but the notes are where the power lies.

Keeping a grimoire has been one of the most beneficial I've done. It's helped me in both my personal life and in my career. I really can't speak highly enough about it, other than to say this: If you want to get better at making your way in the world, my most general piece of advice is to take more notes.

~ fin ~



P.S. My site is over twenty years old. Realizing that got me thinking about the next twenty. One of the biggest thoughts that came out of that is that I don't want to have to keep jumping my content between frameworks for the next two decades. So, one of my primary goals for Neopoligen is to be able to keep using it until I'm no longer making web pages.

You can read more about that on Why I Build Neopoligen but the key point is that this is a long term project for me. While I'm not particullarly interested in making it a commercial notes-app/cms/site-builder/hosting-company, everybody's got a number. Mine's $150MM if you're a ventura capitalist who's cool with open-source and wants to take a run at it.