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"body": "#!/bin/bash\n\n################################################\n# The Options \n\n\n################################################\n# The input video file to use. I generally use\n# the full path to the input file. Relative\n# paths also work (e.g. just \"hackers.mp4\"\n# if you\u0027re running the script from the same\n# directory the .mp4 file is in)\n\nINPUT_PATH=\"/Users/alan/Desktop/input.mp4\"\n\n\n################################################\n# The GIF file to output to\n\nOUTPUT_PATH=\"/Users/alan/Desktop/output.gif\"\n\n\n################################################\n# How wide to make the GIF. (The height is\n# set automatically in the command itself)\n\nWIDTH=400\n\n\n################################################\n# How many Frames Per Second the GIF should be.\n# I find 10-15 works great for most GIFs. The\n# higher the number the bigger the GIF will \n# be though so it\u0027s something to pay \n# attention to\n\nFRAMES_PER_SECOND=20\n\n\n################################################\n# How many colors to use in the color palette.\n# The max number is 255. With the other options\n# that are set in this script I rarely find\n# it necessary to go that high to get a good\n# looking GIF. As with FRAMES_PER_SECOND\n# the high the number the bigger the GIF\u0027s\n# file size will be. \n\nCOLORS=70\n\n\n################################################\n# Optional time to start from in the input video. \n# I generally leave this blank since I\u0027ve already \n# clipped the input video to where I want it, \n# but you can use something like:\n#\n# START_TIME=\"-ss 00:01:53.6\"\n#\n# The format for the time is: \n#\n# HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.SUBSECOND\n#\n# So, the above example will start\n# at 1 minute 53.6 seconds into the video\n# \n# Note that the GIF may not start at the exact\n# time you specify because of the way keyframes\n# work in videos. If you run into that you can \n# cut your input video to exactly what you want. \n# (There are ways to deal with keyframe offsets\n# directly in ffmpeg, but that\u0027s not in scope\n# for this script)\n\nSTART_TIME=\"\"\n\n\n################################################\n# Optional length for the GIF. I generally leave\n# this blank since I\u0027ve already cut my clips\n# in DaVinci, but you can do something like \n# this:\n#\n# LENGTH=\"-t 2.3\"\n# \n# which will make a 2.3 second GIF. As with \n# START_TIME the length may not be exact because\n# of the way video keyframes work. \n\nLENGTH=\"\"\n\n\n################################################\n# Optional offset for cropdetect to cover videos \n# that start with totally black frames. I leave \n# it empty most of the time since I\u0027ve done my\n# clipping in DaVinci. To use it, change it\n# to something like: \n#\n# CROP_OFFSET=\"-ss 0.2\"\n#\n# That will skip 0.2 seconds of the clip before \n# starting to detect the cropping. Just make \n# sure to keep the offset less than the total \n# length of your clip otherwise it\u0027ll miss the \n# cropping\n\nCROP_OFFSET=\"\"\n\n\n################################################\n# The \"stat_mode\" to use in \"palettegen\". \n# Options are \"full\" and \"diff\". Where \"full\" \n# optimizes for the overall scene and \"diff\" \n# optimizes for just what\u0027s moving. (I don\u0027t\n# generally see much of a difference with \n# this one, but keep it around just in case)\n\nSTAT_MODE=\"diff\"\n\n\n################################################\n# The scaler to use. The default is \"bilinear\" \n# but \"lanczos\" and \"bicubic\" generally produce\n# better results.\n\nSCALER=\"lanczos\"\n\n\n################################################\n# The dithering option to use. I generally find \n# \"sierra2_4a\" (which is also the default) to be \n# a good balance of quality and output size. The \n# other options to explore are:\n#\n# \"bayer:bayer_scale=0\"\n# \"bayer:bayer_scale=1\"\n# \"bayer:bayer_scale=2\"\n# \"bayer:bayer_scale=3\"\n# \"bayer:bayer_scale=4\"\n# \"bayer:bayer_scale=5\"\n# \"floyd_steinberg\"\n# \"sierra2\"\n# \"sierra2_4a\"\n# \"sierra3\"\n# \"burkes\"\n# \"atkinson\"\n# \"none\"\n\nDITHER=\"sierra2_4a\"\n\n\n################################################\n# The \"diff_mode\" defines the zone to \n# process for parts of the scene that \n# move. The default is none, but setting\n# to \"rectangle\" can help keep backgrounds\n# from changing as the color palette changes\n# during processing. Change to:\n# \n# DIFF_MODE=\"none\"\n#\n# if you want to turn it off. Setting it\n# either way might not have much of an effect\n# depending on the input video\n\nDIFF_MODE=\"rectangle\"\n\n\n################################################\n# The Command Itself\n################################################\n# This is what collections all the options\n# from above and actually makes the GIF\n################################################\n\nffmpeg -i \"${INPUT_PATH}\" ${CROP_OFFSET} \\\n-t 0.1 -vf cropdetect -f null - 2\u003e\u00261 | \\\nawk \u0027/crop/ { print $NF }\u0027 | \\\ntail -1 | xargs -I{CROP} \\\nffmpeg -loglevel error -hide_banner \\\n-i \"${INPUT_PATH}\" $START_TIME $LENGTH \\\n-vf \"{CROP},fps=${FRAMES_PER_SECOND},\\\nscale=${WIDTH}:-2:flags=${SCALER},split[s0][s1];\\\n[s0]palettegen=max_colors=${COLORS}:reserve_transparent=0[p];\\\n[s1][p]paletteuse=dither=${DITHER}:diff_mode=${DIFF_MODE}\" \\\n-y \"${OUTPUT_PATH}\"\n\nopen ${OUTPUT_PATH}",
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